Oedipus complex-
One of Sigmund Freud’s most famous and most controversial theories is that of the Oedipus complex. Freud coined the term to describe the unconscious desire to sexually possess one’s opposite sex parent. It was Carl Jung who separated out the Oedipus complex for boys and the Electra complex for girls.
Freud took the term from Sophocles’ famous play Oedipus Rex, in which Oedipus unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother. For Freud, the Oedipal complex occurs during the third (phallic) of the five psychosexual stages of development. During the phallic stage of development, between the ages of three and six, young boys become possessive of their mother’s affection and begin to see their fathers as rivals. This is the stage where individuals begin to discover their sexual body parts and begin to see the physical differences between boys and girls, a part of the human psyche. The basic characteristics of this phase are:
*.Discovery of sexual identity
*.Parents become object of energy
*.Id and ego conflict arises
*.Girls learn to comply with social roles
Freud believed that unsuccessful resolution of the Oedipus complex would result in a lifetime of neuroses. Some individuals, he theorized, would become stuck in the Oedipal phase and become “mother-fixated” in the case of boys and “father-fixated” in the case of girls and as adults seek out sexual partners who resemble their parents .The Oedipus complex theory has been subject to serious criticism in recent scholarship, as many learned individuals find the notion laughable. Freud himself was quite devoted to his mother, and once had an erotic reaction as a boy while watching her dress.
The following are Freud's stages of psychosexual development:
1.The first stage was the oral stage(0-1 year). Babies focus on their mouth to feel pleasurable sensations.
2.Secondly, in the anal stage(1-3 years), babies focus on pleasure received through elimination. The baby learns to control this function at this age.
3.Thirdly, the phallic stage(3-6 years) includes children who are obtaining gratification through their genitals. They masturbate, and they fantasize about their opposite sex parent. This causes the first feelings of guilt and shame.
4.The next stage is the latency stage(7 years-puberty). Physical urges are submerged while children focus on learning about the world.
5.Finally, the genital stage(adolescence) occurs when young people exhibit adult sexual des
One of Sigmund Freud’s most famous and most controversial theories is that of the Oedipus complex. Freud coined the term to describe the unconscious desire to sexually possess one’s opposite sex parent. It was Carl Jung who separated out the Oedipus complex for boys and the Electra complex for girls.
Freud took the term from Sophocles’ famous play Oedipus Rex, in which Oedipus unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother. For Freud, the Oedipal complex occurs during the third (phallic) of the five psychosexual stages of development. During the phallic stage of development, between the ages of three and six, young boys become possessive of their mother’s affection and begin to see their fathers as rivals. This is the stage where individuals begin to discover their sexual body parts and begin to see the physical differences between boys and girls, a part of the human psyche. The basic characteristics of this phase are:
*.Discovery of sexual identity
*.Parents become object of energy
*.Id and ego conflict arises
*.Girls learn to comply with social roles
Freud believed that unsuccessful resolution of the Oedipus complex would result in a lifetime of neuroses. Some individuals, he theorized, would become stuck in the Oedipal phase and become “mother-fixated” in the case of boys and “father-fixated” in the case of girls and as adults seek out sexual partners who resemble their parents .The Oedipus complex theory has been subject to serious criticism in recent scholarship, as many learned individuals find the notion laughable. Freud himself was quite devoted to his mother, and once had an erotic reaction as a boy while watching her dress.
The following are Freud's stages of psychosexual development:
1.The first stage was the oral stage(0-1 year). Babies focus on their mouth to feel pleasurable sensations.
2.Secondly, in the anal stage(1-3 years), babies focus on pleasure received through elimination. The baby learns to control this function at this age.
3.Thirdly, the phallic stage(3-6 years) includes children who are obtaining gratification through their genitals. They masturbate, and they fantasize about their opposite sex parent. This causes the first feelings of guilt and shame.
4.The next stage is the latency stage(7 years-puberty). Physical urges are submerged while children focus on learning about the world.
5.Finally, the genital stage(adolescence) occurs when young people exhibit adult sexual des
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