Thursday, June 14, 2018

Series of Important literary terms


1.Melodrama:-A highly sensational drama with happy ending. Example ‘The Spanish Tragedy’ –Kyd.

2.Metaphysical Poetry:-Meta means beyond and physical is related to body .

3.Mock-epic:-It is a long satirical poem dealing with a trivial theme. Example: “The rape of the lock”-Alexander Pope.

4.Metaphor:-A metaphor is an implicit comparison between two different things.

5.Metre:-The recurrence of similar stress pattern in some lines of a poem.

6.Novel:-is a long prose narrative fiction with plot characters etc.

7.Novelette:-is longer than a short story and shorter than a novel.

8.Ode:-is a long narrative poem of varying, line length dealing with serious subject matter.

9.Objectivity:-We have objectivity in a literary piece when the author focuses on an object from broadened point of view.

10.Octave:-is the firs part of Italian sonnet.

11.Oxymoron:-is apparently a physical contrast which oddly makes sense on a deeper level.

12.Prologue:-is the beginning part of a novel or a play or a novel.

13.Prose:-Any material that is not written in a regular meter like a poetry.

14.Prosody:-Prosody is the mechanics or grammar of verse.

15.Protagonist-Protagonist is the main character in a literary work

16.Plot:-The arrangement of incidents is called plot.

17.Pun:-A pun is playing with words.

18.Periods of English literature:-The Anglo-Saxon, Middle English Renaissance, Restoration, Neoclassical Romantic, Victorian, Modern, Post-Modern.

19.Romanticism:-was a literary movement. It stands Opposite to reason and focuses on emotion.

20.Rhetoric:-Rhetoric is the art of persuasive argument through writing.

21.Symbol:-A symbol is anything that stands for something else.

23.Sonnet:-is a lyric poem consisting of fourteen rhymed lines dealing with a lofty theme.

24.Satire:-is ridiculing the vices and follies of an individual or a society with a corrective design. E.g. “The rape of the lock”---Pope.

25.Short-story:-A short story is a prose narrative considerable length. It is shorter than a novel.

26.Stanza:-is a group of verses having a rhyme scheme pattern.

27.Subjectivity:-We find subjectivity in a literary work in which the writer’s personal intrusion takes place.

28.Soliloquy:-It means speaking alone when in a play a character is found speaking alone on the stage it is called soliloquy.

29.Ballad= a kind of short narrative poem.

30.Blank verse= Having no rhyming end.

31.Blue print= final documents having received finished touches.

33.Canto= A subdivision of an epic or narrative poem.

34.Elegy= Song of lamentation.

35.Epic= A long poem

36.Epilogue= A poem or speech at the end of play.

37.Epitaph= words that are said about dead person.

38 Eulogy= Speech or writing i praise of a person.

39 Fairy talk= folk literature.

40 Fantasy = an imaginary story.

41 Hymn=song praise of god.

42 Jargon= A mixture of two or more language .

43 Lyric= A poem that could be sung.

44 Opera= A musical drama.

45 Parody= Imitation of a poem or writings.

46 Sonnet= A poem of fourteen lines.

Thanks . Stay tuned for more.

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