#How is language Arbitrary?
There is no logical relation between the sound or written word and the object. Same object have different names in different areas shows that there is no logical relation between word and object. So, language is arbitrary.
#How is linguistics a Science?
Linguistics is the scientific study/ systematic study of language. In linguistics the method is applied by making observations, testing hypotheses and deriving theories. So, linguistics is a science but social science not a practical science.
#What is meant by Synchronic and Diachronic study of language?
Synchronic study of language is the study of language at a fix point or present but Diachronic study of language is the study of language change or study of language through history.
#How does Ferdinand de Saussure make a distinction between Langue and Parole?
According to Ferdinand de Saussure the distinction between langue and parole is that langue is the structure of language in the mind/grammar of language in mind and the parole is the speech or written language.
#What does Noam Chomsky mean by Competence?
According to Noam Chomsky competence mean the linguistic knowledge of the native speaker to understand and speak.
#How does Noam Chomsky argue about Performance?
According to Noam Chomsky the performance is the actual use of language in concrete situation. It is like Parole as described by Ferdinand de Saussure.
#What is LAD according to Chomsky?
According to Noam Chomsky the LAD (Language Acquisition Device) is instinctive mental facility to acquire and speak language.
#What are different Organs of Speech?
The different Speech Organs are teeth, lips, tongue, nasal cavity, alveolar ridge, hard palate, velum (soft palate), uvula and glottis etc.
#What is meant by Received Pronunciation (RP)?
Received Pronunciation (RP) means the standard accent of British English Language. It is associated with formal speech.
#Differentiate between Dialect and Idiolect.
Dialect is variety of language used by a social or regional group and Idiolect is the variety of language used by an individual.
#Define Register.
Register is the use of variety of language by the group of peoples of different professions like lawyers and doctors etc.
#Define Syntax.
Syntax is the arrangement of word to create a phrase or sentence in language. It is grammar or the rules to construct a sentence.
#Differentiate between Pidgin and Creole.
Pidgin is the mixture of multi languages used by traders as second language and Pidgin when used by the peoples as first language it becomes Creole or Linguafranca.
#What are Bound and Free Morphemes?
Bound Morphemes are element of a word with prefixes or suffixes cannot stand alone as a word but Free Morphemes stand alone, a single morpheme as a word.
#What is multilingualism? Give examples.
Multilingualism means use of two or more languages by an individual or society. for example Punjabi and Urdu or Sindhi, Punjabi and Urdu etc.
#What is code switching and code mixing?
Code Switching is using more than one language and changing from one language to another but Code Mixing is using more than one language as mixture, use of multi languages in one sentence.
#What is language lateralization?
Language lateralization refers to the functions of the left and right hemispheres in the brain and distinct functions of left and right hemisphere.
#What is the difference between derivational morpheme and inflectional morpheme?
Inflectional morpheme is a morpheme that does not change the category of the word like smaller from small these both are adjectives. For example: great greater, tall taller, old older and short shorter.
Derivational morpheme is a morpheme that change the category of the word like movement from move here movement is a noun and move is a verb. Improve improvement, easy easily and entertain entertainment.
#What is the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds?
Voiced sounds are those in which vocal chords vibrate and in voiceless sounds vocal chords do not vibrate. For example “v, m, n, b and d” are voiced and “s, h and f” are voiceless.
#What are infixes?
Infixes are affixes that inserted nor in beginning neither at the end but in the base word. For example: cupsful from cupful.
#How is language Arbitrary?
There is no logical relation between the sound or written word and the object. Same object have different names in different areas shows that there is no logical relation between word and object. So, language is arbitrary.
#How is linguistics a Science?
Linguistics is the scientific study/ systematic study of language. In linguistics the method is applied by making observations, testing hypotheses and deriving theories. So, linguistics is a science but social science not a practical science.
#What is meant by Synchronic and Diachronic study of language?
Synchronic study of language is the study of language at a fix point or present but Diachronic study of language is the study of language change or study of language through history.
#How does Ferdinand de Saussure make a distinction between Langue and Parole?
According to Ferdinand de Saussure the distinction between langue and parole is that langue is the structure of language in the mind/grammar of language in mind and the parole is the speech or written language.
#What does Noam Chomsky mean by Competence?
According to Noam Chomsky competence mean the linguistic knowledge of the native speaker to understand and speak.
#How does Noam Chomsky argue about Performance?
According to Noam Chomsky the performance is the actual use of language in concrete situation. It is like Parole as described by Ferdinand de Saussure.
#What is LAD according to Chomsky?
According to Noam Chomsky the LAD (Language Acquisition Device) is instinctive mental facility to acquire and speak language.
#What are different Organs of Speech?
The different Speech Organs are teeth, lips, tongue, nasal cavity, alveolar ridge, hard palate, velum (soft palate), uvula and glottis etc.
#What is meant by Received Pronunciation (RP)?
Received Pronunciation (RP) means the standard accent of British English Language. It is associated with formal speech.
#Differentiate between Dialect and Idiolect.
Dialect is variety of language used by a social or regional group and Idiolect is the variety of language used by an individual.
#Define Register.
Register is the use of variety of language by the group of peoples of different professions like lawyers and doctors etc.
#Define Syntax.
Syntax is the arrangement of word to create a phrase or sentence in language. It is grammar or the rules to construct a sentence.
#Differentiate between Pidgin and Creole.
Pidgin is the mixture of multi languages used by traders as second language and Pidgin when used by the peoples as first language it becomes Creole or Linguafranca.
#What are Bound and Free Morphemes?
Bound Morphemes are element of a word with prefixes or suffixes cannot stand alone as a word but Free Morphemes stand alone, a single morpheme as a word.
#What is multilingualism? Give examples.
Multilingualism means use of two or more languages by an individual or society. for example Punjabi and Urdu or Sindhi, Punjabi and Urdu etc.
#What is code switching and code mixing?
Code Switching is using more than one language and changing from one language to another but Code Mixing is using more than one language as mixture, use of multi languages in one sentence.
#What is language lateralization?
Language lateralization refers to the functions of the left and right hemispheres in the brain and distinct functions of left and right hemisphere.
#What is the difference between derivational morpheme and inflectional morpheme?
Inflectional morpheme is a morpheme that does not change the category of the word like smaller from small these both are adjectives. For example: great greater, tall taller, old older and short shorter.
Derivational morpheme is a morpheme that change the category of the word like movement from move here movement is a noun and move is a verb. Improve improvement, easy easily and entertain entertainment.
#What is the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds?
Voiced sounds are those in which vocal chords vibrate and in voiceless sounds vocal chords do not vibrate. For example “v, m, n, b and d” are voiced and “s, h and f” are voiceless.
#What are infixes?
Infixes are affixes that inserted nor in beginning neither at the end but in the base word. For example: cupsful from cupful.
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