
Friday, June 15, 2018




1 . Chaucer's The Knight's Tale is a high romance told in :

Heroic couplets

2 . Marlowe's first original work was :

Tamburlaine the Great 

3 . Marvell pays his homage to the Protector and a tribute to the royal dignity of Charles I in :

"Horatian Ode upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland "

4 . The Life and Death of Mr. Badman was written by :

John Bunyan

5 . Dr Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language was published in :


6 . The main idea of The Dunciad was taken from :

Mac Flecknoe

7 . The character of the leech gatherer appears in :

Resolution and Independence

8 . Table-Talk is a collection of essays by :


9 . Carlyle's Sartor Resartus was written under the influence of :

German Romance

10 . The image of the Neptune taming the sea-horse appears in :

"My Last Duchess "

11 . T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland is dedicated to Il miglior fabro ("the better Craftsman") which refers to :

Ezra Pound

12 . The locale of Riders to the Sea is :

Aran Island

13 . The "Bog" poems are associated with :

Seamus Heaney

14 . Edward Bond's Bingo deals with the life of :


15 . Arthur Miller's The Death of a Salesman is mainly about :

American Dream

16 . The patient in Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient is :


17 . Mimetic Criticism views literary work as :


18 . The concept of "arche writing " is developed by :


19 . A figure of speech in which two terms opposite in meaning are placed side by side in one phrase is known as :


20 . A stanza of eight iambic pentameters on the pattern of ab, ab , ab , cc , is known as :

Ottava rima

Correct Chronological sequence :

21 . Love's Labour Lost , Twelfth Night , Othello , The Tempest

22 . Utopia , Ralph Roister Doister , Shepherd's Calendar , Astrophel and Stella

23 .  Sonnet , Periodical essay , Gothic Novel , Absurd play

24 . T.S. Eliot , Stephen Spender , Philip Larkin , Ted Hughes

25 . Sublime , Negative Capability , Dissociation of Sensibility , Heteroglossia

26 . Lycidas , Adonais , Thyrsis , In Memory of W.B. Yeats

27 . Two Uses of Language , The Death of the Author , Structure , Sign and Play , Signs Taken for Wonders

28 . The Burial of the Dead , A Game of Chess , The Fire Sermon , Death By Water

29 . Kanthapura , Midnight's Children , Nectar in a Sieve , Calcutta Chromosome

30 . Craft of Fiction , Aspects of the Novel . English Novel: Form and Function , The Sense of An Ending

Match the following:

31 . Sohrab and Rustum - Matthew Arnold

32 . Pamela - Epistolary novel

33 . Faulkner - Yoknapatawpha

34 . Naturalism - Zola

35 . Margaret Atwood - The Blind Assassin

36 . Congreve - The Old Bachelor

37 . Judith Wright - Australia

38 . Diary writing - Samuel Pepys

39 . Girish Karnad - Kannada

40 . Eliza Doolittle - Pygmalion

Answer of passage :

41 . Fear

42 . an inference

43 . is too careful with his money

44 . the poet moved as aimlessly as the cloud

45 . reflect meaning and mood

46 . Nationality , Language , Tradition and Historical situation

47 . The intellectual may be inappropriately Co-opted by the agencies of the Government

48 . Academy , Church , Professional guild and Worldly power

49 . Liberating oneself from the pressures of institutions and worldly powers

50 . To search for relative independence and be characterized as exile and marginal, as amateur and author.

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