
Monday, June 11, 2018

Short topics on The Rape of the Lock by Pope


Answer the following questions.

(i) What does the title of 'The Rape of the Lock' refer to?
Ans. The poem's title might seem confusing until we do a little digging into the etymology of the word "rape". In the 18th century, in Pope's day, "rape" also meant to carry away or take something from someone by force. The word "lock" here means the tress, curl, or ringlet of a woman's hair.
(ii) What is the setting of 'The Rape of the Lock'?
Ans. The action takes place in London and its environs in the early 1700's on a single day. The story begins at the London residence of Belinda. The scene then shifts to the Thames. The rest of the story takes place at Hampton Court Palace, except for a brief scene in the cave of the Queen of Spleen.
(iii) 'The Rape of the Lock' is called a mock epic poem. Why?
Ans. Like typical epics, there is a statement of purpose and invocation to the Muse in "The Rape of the Lock". It is divided into Cantos and written in heroic couplets. Moreover, there is use of supernatural machinery. However, there is a satirical twist in this epic. It satirizes the absurdities and frivolities of the aristocratic ladies and gentlemen. This makes this poem a 'mock epic'.
(iv) Define allegory.
Ans. An allegory is an extended metaphor in which abstract ideas, concepts and principles are described in terms of characters, figures and events in ways that are comprehensible to its viewers, readers, or listeners. For example, George Orwell's novel "Animal Farm" is a political allegory.
(v) What is a heroic couplet?
Ans. A heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used in epic and narrative poetry. It refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of lines in iambic pentameter. For example: "Know then thyself, presume not God to scan/ The proper study of Mankind is Man".
(vi) What are the satirical targets of 'The Rape of the Lock'?
Ans. The principal satirical targets of "The Rape of the Lock" are the absurdities and frivolities of the fashionable circle - aristocratic ladies and gentlemen - of the 18th century England.
(vii) What are some of the images that recur through the poem 'The Rape of the Lock'?
Ans. The first recurring image is the sun. It marks the passing of time in the poem and emphasizes the dramatic unity of the story. Another image that recurs is that of china. Delicate dishes that are beautiful, fragile, and purely luxurious form a fitting counterpart to a world that is ornamental. The images of gold and silver signify the real value of underlying glittery and mesmerizing surfaces.
(viii) Write the names of the women in the poem 'The Rape of the Lock'?
Ans. There are five major women in the poem. Belinda is the heroine of the poem. Thalestris is Belinda's friend. Betty is Belinda's maid. Clarissa is an attendant at the Hampton Court Party. Spleen is the queen of bad tempers and the source of detestable qualities in human beings.
(ix) What is Belinda's full name in 'The Rape of the Lock'?
Ans. Belinda is the heroine of the poem "The Rape of the Lock" by Alexander Pope. She is named for a real person: Arabella Fermor; a member of Pope's circle of prominent Roman Catholics.
(x) Who was the guardian spirit of Belinda?
Ans. The guardian spirit of Belinda is Ariel. He is a sylph. He warns her that something dreadful may happen and sets a guard of sylphs to protect his charge, but he is unsuccessful in preventing the loss of the lock of hair.
(xi) What spirit does Pope call upon to help him write his poem?
Ans. Usually a poet calls upon one the the 'nine daughter of Zeus' to sanctify his poetry. However, in 'The Rape of the Lock", Alexander Pope invokes his catholic friend John Caryll instead, as a muse to provide him with blessings to narrate a story of not a great hero but a rich, vain woman called Belinda.
(xii) To whom does Pope dedicate the poem 'The Rape of the Lock'?
Ans. Pope dedicates this poem to John Caryll. He was the friend of Arabella Fermor (Belinda) and Pope. He was who originally asked Pope to write this poem.
(xiii) Who adores the 'sparkling cross' Belinda has on her neck?
Ans. Infidels adore this cross. Pope is highlighting the fact that the cross has as much meaning to Belinda as it would to a person without any religious beliefs. The cross is adored by the Infidels, kissed by the Jews, but no mention of Priests or Gallants is made in reference to the cross.
(xiv) According to Pope, when women die, their spirits live on. What are the four possible forms these spirits will take?
Ans. When quarrelsome women die, their souls go to fire and they become Salamanders. When polite and submissive women die, their souls return to water and they become Nymphs. The souls of proud and serious minded women go to earth and they become Gnomes. The souls of flirt and coquette women go to air and they become Sylphs.
(xv) What everyday feminine ritual is Pope connecting with the ancient Greco-Roman sacrifice?
Ans. Sacrifice was the essential element of Greek and Roman religious rituals. Pope is connecting the feminine ritual of dressing with the ancient Greco-Roman sacrifice. Belinda's morning routine can be connected with a hero's ritualized preparation before battle. Belinda's reflection in the mirror becomes the image of goddess while her maid is the 'inferior priestess', worshiping at the altar.

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