Monday, August 13, 2018

All age writers till post modern

Famous writes of English literature

0450 - 1066: Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period
Major Writers:

Beowulf (Anonymous)

1066 - 1500: Middle English Period
Major Writers:

Geoffrey Chaucer

1500 - 1600: The Renaissance (Early Modern) Period

1558 - 1603: Elizabethan Age

Major Writers:

Christopher Marlowe

Edmund Spenser

Francis Beaumont

John Fletcher

Sir Philip Sidney

Thomas Dekker

Thomas Wyatt

William Shakespeare

1603 - 1625: Jacobean Age

Major Writers:

Ben Jonson

John Webster

Thomas Kyd

George Chapman

John Donne

George Herbert

Emilia Lanyer

1625 - 1649: Caroline Age

Major Writers:

John Ford

John Milton

1649 - 1660: Commonwealth Period

Major Writers:

John Milton

Andrew Marvell

Thomas Hobbes

1660 - 1700: Restoration Period
Major Writers:

John Dryden

1700 - 1745: The Augustan Age
Major Writers:

Alexander Pope

Jonathan Swift

Samuel Johnson

1745 - 1783: The Age Of Sensibility

1785 - 1830: The Romantic Period

Major Writers:

William Wordsworth

S.T. Coleridge

Jane Austen

the Brontës

1832 - 1901: The Victorian Period
Major Writers:

Charles Dickens

George Eliot

Robert Browning

Alfred Lord Tennyson

1848 - 1860: The Pre-Raphaelites
Major Writers:

William Holman Hunt

John Everett Millais

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

William Michael Rossetti

James Collinson

Frederic George Stephens

Thomas Woolner

1880 - 1901: Aestheticism and Decadence

1901 - 1910: The Edwardian Period
Major Writers:

J. M. Barrie

Arnold Bennett

Joseph Conrad

E. M. Forster

John Galsworthy

Kenneth Grahame

Edith Nesbit

Beatrix Potter

Lucy Maud Montgomery

H. G. Wells

P. G. Wodehouse

1910 - 1914: The Georgian Period

Major Writers:

G.M. Hopkins

H.G. Wells

James Joyce

D.H. Lawrence

T.S. Eliot

1914 - 1945: The Modern Period

Major Writers:

Knut Hamsun

James Joyce

Mikhail Bulgakov

T. S. Eliot

Virginia Woolf

John Steinbeck

D. H. Lawrence

Ezra Pound

William Faulkner

Ernest Hemingway

Katherine Anne Porter

E. M. Forster

Franz Kafka

Joseph Conrad

W. B. Yeats

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Samuel Beckett

Robert Frost

1945 - Present: Post Modern Period

Major Writers:

Ted Hughes

Doris Lessing

John Fowles

Don DeLillo

A.S. Byatt

Important Works with subtitle


Decameron:Prince Galahout (Boccacio)
[ ] The Female Quixote: or, The Adventures of Arabella  - Charlotte Lennox - 1752
[ ] Don Quixote of La Mancha (Cervantes)
[ ] Under the Greenwood Tree: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School - 1872 Thomas Hardy
[ ] Mayor of Casterbridge: The Life and Death of a Man of Character - (1886) Thomas Hardy
[ ] Animal Farm: A Fair Story (George Orwell)
[ ] Michael: A Pastoral Poem- (1800 Wordsworth)
[ ] The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling (1749 Henry Fielding)
[ ] Istanbul: A Memories and the City - Orhan Pamuk
[ ] The Ascent F6: A Tragedy in Two Acts - 1936- WH Auden
[ ] Waiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts - Samuel Beckett
[ ] Sons and Lovers - (original title) Paul Morel
[ ] Way of the World: A comedy(Congreve 1700)
[ ] All For Love, The World Well Lost (Dryden 1677)
[ ] She Stoops to Conquer: Mistakes of a night (Goldsmith)
[ ] Oliver Twist; The Parish Boy's Progress (pub by Richard Bently) by Dickens
[ ] Vanity Fair: A Novel Without Hero (Thackery)
[ ] The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale Supposed to be Written by Himself 1766 (Goldsmith)
[ ] Middlemarch, A provincial Life 1784 ( George Eliot)
[ ] Bingo: Scenes of Money and Death (1973 Edward Bond) [Shakespeare comes as a character]
[ ] Hardbreak House: A Fantasia in the Russian Manner on English Themes (1919 G.BShaw)
[ ] Silas Marner: The Weaver of the Raveloe (1861 George Eliot)
[ ] Felix Holt: The Radical (1866 George Eliot )
[ ] Importance of Being Earnest: a trivial comedy for Serious People - Oscar Wild
[ ] The Wheel of Fire; The Interpretation of Shakespearean tragedy. Wilson Knight
[ ] Pamela: Virtue Rewarded - Samuel Richardson
[ ] Joseph Andrews, or The History of Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr Abraham Adams - Henry Fielding
[ ] Andrea del Sarto: The Faultless Painter - Robert Browning
[ ] Tess of the D'Urbervilles:A Pure Woman - Hardy
Tess of D'URBERVILLES - The Daughter of the D'Urbervilles (original intended title)
[ ] Gorboduc or The Ferrex and Porrex - Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville
[ ] Holy Sonnets, or The Divine Meditations, or Divine Sonnets --John Done (1633)
[ ] Tottel's Micellany, Songs and Sonnets
[ ] Mac Flecknoe; A Satyr upon the True-Blew-Protestant Poet, T.S. - (Dryden)
[ ] The Wheel of Fire: Interpretations of Shakespearean Tragedy (Wilson Knight)
[ ] Endymion: The Man in the Moon (John Lyly)
[ ] The Mistress: Several Copies of Love Versus - Abraham Cowley
[ ] Hespiredes: The Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick (Robert Herrick-1648)
[ ] Elegy for John Donne - "An Elegy Upon the Death of St Paul's Dr John Donne"
[ ] Troilus and Cressida: Truth Found Too Late (opera) - Dryden
[ ] Alexander's Feast, or the Power of Music (1697) - Dryden
[ ] Histeriomastix: The Players Scourge or Actors Tragedy (1633) - William Prynne
[ ] The Pilgrim's Progress - The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come; Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream - John Bunyan
[ ] Candide: All for the Best; or The Optimist; or Optimism
[ ] Roughing it in the Bush, Or, Forest Life in Canada (1852) - Susanna Strickland Moodie

Friday, July 6, 2018

English literature all periods Short overview

English literature all periods Short overview

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Similar works title in literature with different authors

Works of Similar title in literature with different authors

Monday, July 2, 2018

Some important facts in Literature

Some important facts in Literature

1.     Mathew Prior’s Alma is an imitation of Hudibras.*
2.   Solomon is a long and serious poem by Addison.*

3.     Pope’s two translated works are Iliad and Odyssey.*

4.      Moral Essays was written by Pope.*

5.     Horace Walpole: Life is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who feel.*

6.     Treasure Island is a famous moment of Stevenson.*

7.  Sheridan’s play The Rivals came out in 1775, his School for scandal came out in 1777.*

8.  Robinson Crusoe – Friday (Cannibal). The Vicar ofWakefield – Moses, Olivia, Sophia.*

9.   The first of the ‘robot’ books – Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley.*

10.      Don Quixote (a Picaresque novel) – Written by Cervantes, Moll Flanders (a picaresque novel) – written by Defoe.*

 11.  There are 18 books in Tom Jones. This novel by Fielding is dedicated to George Littleton.*

12.   Thomas Chesterton (1752-70), a poet of the Pre-Romantic period committed suicide at the age of 18.*

13.    Doer’s Lament has the constant refrain “that was lived through, so can this be” or in other words, “his sorrow passed away, so will mine”.*

14.       Ulysses (1922) a novel by James Joyce is set in a single day in Dublin, the hero is leopald Bloom.*

15.     Of Human Bondage (1915), the autobiographical novel of Somerset Maugham is a study in frustration.*

16.    Dylan Thomas' Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog(1940) is a collection of short stories.*

17. Robinson Crusoe an adventurous tale by Daniel Defoe (1659-1731) which appeared in 1719 was inspired to a slight extent by the adventures of the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, whom Defoe had interviewed at Bristol.*

18. A Tale of Tub, a brilliant satire on roman Catholics and Calvinists, on critics and bad writers; The Battle of the books, a satiric by product of the Bentley controversy;Gulliver’s Travels – written by Swift.*

19. In 1740 Samuel Richardson published his novel Pamela. Fielding saw that it would be amusing to burlesque this novel by writing in a similar manner about a hero instead of about a heroine, and so upset Richardson’s prudential system of morality. Thus Fielding wrote Joseph Andrewsin 1742. It ran far beyond its original design of being a burlesque, and became a novel of life and manners.*

20.        The expedition of Humphrey Clinker (1771) is Smollett’s masterpiece as Tom Jones is Fielding’s. The novel is written in epistolary form. Bramble, Mrs. Tabitha and Lismahago are the best portraits in his gallery.*

21.  Smollett’s the Adventures of Roderick Random written in 1748 is largely, though not wholly autobiographical novel.It is especially excellent in its delineation of British tar.*

22.    In 1750 Johnson commences to publish The Rambler, a paper modeled up on The Spectator.*

23.   Johnson completed and published his Dictionary in 1775. It is considered best and he was thought to be a match, single handed, for the forty members of the French Academy.*

24.   She stoops to Conquer by Goldsmith is a splendid comedy of intrigue, introducing lively and farcical    incidents   and highly drawn pictures of eccentric characters.*

25. The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope (a mock-heroic epic written in 1772 & 1774) was written in a  fanciful and ingenious mock-heroic style based on a true story.*
 “WHAT dire Offence from am'rous Causes springs,
What mighty Contests rise from trivial Things,
I sing—This Verse to CARYL, Muse! is due;
This, ev'n Belinda may vouchfafe to view:
Slight is the Subject, but not so the Praise,
If She inspire, and He approve my Lays.”- *these are the famous lines from* *Alexander Pope's mock epic The Rape of the Lock canto I*

26. The first successful American political newspaper, theBoston News-Letter, was founded in 1704*