Friday, June 7, 2019

Neo - classical age in English literature (1660-1798)

Neo - classical age in English literature (1660-1798)......

Neoclassical age reached after the decaying of Commonwealth period. During This period monarchy system continued again  all over England .the writers of this period tried to imitate the style of Roman and Greeks. The combination of the term "neo " which means new and another "classical "as in the day of Roman and Greek classics. There was the era of enlightenment which emphasised logic and reason. This period was preceded by renaissance period and followed by romantic era. Before renaissance life and literature was mainly dictated by the church, however during renaissance science and innovation was given maim emphasises. In neo classical era a vast difference between the two ideologies can be witnessed. There are confusion and contrary depiction too. Neo classical period ended in 1798 when Wordsworth published the romantic lyrical ballad.
**this age can be divided into three small periods**....
1) restoration period or the age of Dryden (1660-1700) 
2) the age of Pope or Augustan age (1700-1750)
3) the age of Johnson (1750-1798)

*** characterization of neo classical age **
It was the time of comfortableness in England. It was the beginning of the British tradition drinking tea and it was the starting point of middle class .for this reason more people were literate. It was the same time when eight monarchy took throne.

*** the effect of epic poetry ,novels and criticism swept all over Europe during this period. The rape of the lock by Alexander pope , an essay on dramatic criticism and other novels were popular too.

** drama began to decline during this period. This was the age of  theatre  so people became  attracted too much towards actor and actresses rather than playwrights. They were losing their interest in plays and playwrights which were being produced ever. The rise of the novel displaced the drama. Novels appeared as better way to depict life, manners and ideas.
**Revival of old plays hindered the creation of new plays .the plays of Shakespeare ,beauomont and Fletcher were revived. Shakespeare like Romeo Juliet, king Lear were given happy endings.
**the drama of the age failed to receive the support of king. William 3 was no patron of the theatre, nor was queen Anne, nor was the first two Georges, without support of the king. It was difficult for the dramatists to put their influence over the public of the day.
** moral restraint was followed by the political restraint. As a result of freedom fielding and other attacked Walpole 'S government a licensing act was passed and censorship was appeared on the drama. According to the act dramatist couldn't produce plays.

Heroic tragedy was called heroic drama. Dryden main supporter of the tragedy called it heroic drama. Plays were written in the classical model of the rhyming couplet and later in blank verse tragedy. Theme was based on the struggle between love and honor. The hero and heroine were cast on grand scale and their dialogues consisted of elaborated speeches in rhymed 10 syallbaled couplets, full of emotions.

*** the place of sentimental and anti sentimental comedies **

sentimental comedies were famous.
1)colley cibber - love's last shift, provoked husband.
2)richard Steele was famous for periodical essays. The lying lover, the tender husband were famous.
3)hugh Kelly =false delicacy
4) Richard Cumberland = he wrote thirty plays. Most of them were tragedies. West Indian and the fashionable lover were his famous comedies.
5) Sheridan = school for scandal
6) Addison, goldsmith were famous too.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Important Writings and writers

Works Authors

🌻Essay on Man - a poem by Pope
🌻Essay on Milton - a prose by Macaulay
🌻Essay on Criticism - a poem by Pope
🌻Essay In Criticism - a prose by Mathew Arnold
🌻Essays of Elia - Charles Lamb
🌻Essays of Ancient & Modern - T. S. Eliot
🌻The Rape of the Lock - epic poem by Pope
🌻The Rape of the Lucrecee - a long poem by Shakespeare
🌻The way of the World - A comedy by William Congrave
🌻The Way of All Flesh - a novel by Samuel Butler.
🌻The Prelude - A poem by William Wordsworth
🌻Preludes - A poem by T. S. Eliot
🌻Elizabethan Essays - Prose by T. S. Eliot
🌻Elizabeth and Essex - prose by Lytton Stretchey
🌻Everyman - One of the best known morality plays.
🌻Everyman in His Humour - Satirical comedy by Ben Jonson.
🌻The Book of The Duchesse - A poem by Chaucer
🌻The Book of Martyrs - a story by John Foxe
🌻The Pilgrim’s Progress - by John Bunyan
🌻The Pilgrim’s of the Rhine - by Bulwer Lytton
🌻The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent – a novel by Sterne
🌻Tristram & Iscult - Matthew Arnold
🌻Lyrical Ballads - Collection poems by Coleridge & Wordsworth
🌻Prefare to Lyrical Bullads - A prose by Wordsworth.
🌻All for love - A blank verse tragedy by Dryden
🌻Love labour lost - A drama by Shakespeare
🌻A portrait of The Artist as a Young man- A novel by Joyce
🌻Portrait of dare - a novel by Francis Bret James
🌻A portrait of A lady - a novel by Henry James
🌻The Duchess of Dadna - a drama by Oscar Wilde
🌻The Duchess of Malfi - tragedy John Webster
🌻A Tale of Two cities - a novel by Dickens
🌻A Tale of Manchester Life - a novel by Mrs. E. Gaskell
🌻The Anatomy of Melancholy - a critique by Robert Burton
🌻The Anatomy of the world - a poem on prince Henry written by
🌻The Battle of Books - a satire by swift
🌻The Battle of Maldon - Anclo Saxon war poem.
🌻A women killed with kindress - a drama by Heywood
🌻The woman in the Moon - a play by Lily
🌻Ode on The Nativity - a poem by Milton
🌻Ode on Duty - a poem by Wordsworth
🌻1.The shepherd calendar(1579) by spencer.
🌻 The shepherd's calendars with village stories and other poems(1827) by john clare.
🌻2. A defence of poetry (1821) essay by P.B. Shelly written response to his friend Thomas Love Peacock's The four ages of poetry(1820) .
🌻The defency of poesy or An apology for poetry (1595) by sidney it is reply to Stephen Gosson's The School of abuse (1579).
🌻3. Rainbow is a poem by wordsworth,
🌻The Rainbow is a novel by D.H. Lawrence.
🌻4.Passage To India novel (1924)by E.M. Forster.
🌻 A Passage to India poem by Walt Whitman.
🌻A Passage to England (1959)by Nirad C. Chaudhuri
🌻.5.The Portrait of a Lady is a novel(1881) by Henry James.
🌻 A portrait of a lady poem by Eliot.
🌻A Portrait of a lady by william carlos williams (first published in the Dial August 1920)
🌻6. London poem by blake.
🌻London 1802 sonnet by Wordsworth.
🌻England 1819 poem by shelly.
🌻7 the gift of magi -short story by o Henry
🌻Journey of the magi -poem by t.s.Eliot
🌻8 Lord Jim-novel by Joseph Conrad
🌻Lucky Jim-novel by Kinsley Amis
🌻9 an otter-poem by Ted Hughes
🌻The otter-poem by Seamus Heaney
🌻10 utopia-novel by Thomas Moore
🌻A modern utopia-novel by H.G.Wells
🌻11 the casualty-poem by Ted Hughes
🌻Casualty-poem by Seamus Heaney
🌻12 alchemists-play by Ben jonson
🌻Alchemist-novel by Paulo kohalo
🌻13 A vision of judgement-short story by H.G.Wells
🌻A vision of judgement-poem by Robert southy
🌻A vision of judgement-poem by Byron
🌻14 metamorphosis-poem by Ovid
🌻Metamorphosis-novella by Kafka
🌻15 the golden bough-prose by James Frazer
🌻The golden notebook-novel by dorris Lessig
🌻The golden threshold -collection of poem by sarojni naidu.